24 October 2013
During a routine inspection
People told us that they received the care they wanted, and we found that all the records we reviewed included an agreement detailing the care to be provided, signed by the agency and the person receiving care.
We reviewed five care records out of a total of 32, and found that all of them contained care plans which had been written and regularly reviewed based on assessments of each person's needs. We spoke with staff members who said that they referred to the care plan and risk assessments regularly to ensure they were able to meet the person's needs.
Staff members told us that they felt well supported by the management team and their colleagues. We noted that a range of training programmes was available to staff at the agency, and all new staff completed an induction programme which followed national guidance.
We found that the provider had implemented ways to gather feedback on the service from people, as well as monitoring the quality of the service provided through spot checks and staff appraisals. People told us that complaints were quickly and satisfactorily dealt with.