People's needs were planned and delivered to the satisfaction of the people using the service. However, written records did not always reflect the planned and agreed care. Staff told us they checked people were consenting to care each time they visited. Appropriate arrangements were in place in for the safe handling, administration and recording of medicines. However, some people who used the service and their relatives told us that their carers did not always arrive on time and medication had been delayed or not given as a result of this.
An appropriate recruitment policy and associated procedures were in place. However, there were concerns regarding some employee's current immigration status and/or right to work. There was no process in place to monitor these issues.
People who used the service told us that they would be able to tell someone if they were unhappy about the way care staff treated them. Most people felt confident that their care worker knew what they were doing and all felt safe with their care worker.
We looked at people's care records and found that some of these contained insufficient and/or conflicting information. Staff we spoke with were able to explain the care needs of each person: they assured us that reviews of care and concerns raised had been followed through but there was not always a written audit trail to demonstrate this had taken place.