The registered manager referred to on page two of this report had left the service and was not working at Leofric Court at the time of our inspection. They remained on our register as we had not received an application to cancel their registration.The organisation had changed the name of Leofric Court to Leofric Lodge. We had not been notified of this change and at the time of our visit the service was registered as Leofric Court.
When we visited Leofric Court we spoke with the manager, team leaders and three care workers. We gathered evidence of people's experiences by speaking with seven people who used the service.
Below is a summary of what we found. The summary is based on our observations during the inspection, speaking with people who used the service, the staff supporting them and from looking at records.
If you want to see the evidence supporting our summary please read our full report.
Is the service safe?
We saw people's care had been arranged according to their personal needs.
We found there was a process in place for managing risks associated with people's care. From the information recorded in care plans we could not be certain all risks were managed appropriately or consistently to make sure people who used the service remained safe and well.
People we spoke with told us they had regular reviews to make sure care plans were accurate and up to date.
We found staff completed the required training. This enabled them to work with people in a safe way.
People who used the service told us they felt confident any concerns or complaints they raised would be investigated.
We asked people if they felt safe at Leofric Court. All the people we spoke with told us they did. For example, one person said 'Oh yes, very safe".
We found the premises were safe, and suitable for the purpose of the service.
Is the service effective?
People told us the care they received met their needs. People told us they had been involved in planning their care. We saw care plans were reviewed and updated regularly so care staff could continue to provide the correct level of support.
Staff we spoke with had a good understanding of the needs of people who used the service.
Leofric Court provides a service to people living with dementia. We noted there was not always a life history in people's files. This meant staff did not have information about people's backgrounds and past experiences to help them understand and support people with dementia more effectively.
People told us there was a consistent team of care workers that arrived around the time people expected and stayed long enough to do everything they needed.
We found staff had regular supervision. Their practice was observed by senior staff to make sure they provided care and support in line with the provider's policies and procedures.
Is the service caring?
People told us they could continue to maintain their independence and do things for themselves. One person told us, 'They support you to do what you can and help you with the rest.'
We asked people if care workers treated them the way they liked. People said they did. Comments from people included,
'I love it here. All the staff treat me very well.'
'Staff are very good to me."
We asked people if care workers were polite and respected their privacy. We were told, 'Very kind and very polite.' Another said, 'Always.'
During our visit we observed staff speaking with people in a friendly manner.
Is the service responsive?
The service had systems in place to monitor the care provided to people. This included regular reviews with people, tenants meetings and client satisfaction questionnaires.
People told us that concerns were listened to and acted on.
Staff said they had a handover at the start of each shift to update them of any changes in people's needs since they were last on duty.
We saw there were systems in place for people to alert staff if they required assistance. Call bells were installed in people's flats, the communal areas and most people wore neck pendants. People we spoke with said staff responded to call bells promptly.
Is the service well led?
The service had a management structure in place and senior staff understood their role and associated responsibilities.
We found the service had an effective quality assurance system in place. This included regular reviews with people who used the service, tenants meetings and satisfaction questionnaires.
The service had auditing procedures in place to make sure staff provided care to people as recorded in their care plans and worked in line with the provider's policies and procedures.
People who used the service and care workers we spoke with told us they were able to speak with staff in the office and raise any issues or concerns they had.
People who used the service told us they were satisfied with the service they received. Comments from people included,
'I have been made to feel very welcome since moving here.'
'I am very happy here.'