23 March 2011
During an inspection in response to concerns
Care plans were in place for people using the service and the people we visited told us that they know what was in their care plans and had been involved in deciding what was recorded about them. People told us that staff usually arrive on time and have enough time to deliver they care that is planned. People also told us that the office staff contact them if the carer is going to be late. People said that staff were respectful to them. This was also confirmed by a relative. People told us that they are prompted or supported to take their medication.
The people we spoke with told us that they felt safe with the staff. They also said that they knew how to raise any concerns that they had. We were given examples of issues that people or their relatives had raised. People told us that these had been addressed and that their care package had been amended as required. People did not feel discriminated in any way for raising concerns. We saw in people's care plans that they had been asked to give their views on the quality of service provided by completing surveys. Both surveys viewed gave positive feedback about the staff and the service received.