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Archived: European Wellcare Lifestyles Limited (Crewe)

34 Crewe Road, Shavington Cum Gesty, Crewe, Cheshire, CW2 5JB 07932 251157

Provided and run by:
Accomplish Group Lifestyles Limited

All Inspections

1 July 2013

During a routine inspection

When we inspected European Wellcare Lifestyles Limited (Crewe) we visited the offices, spoke to the manager and staff, and looked at care records. We met two of the people who use the service and who were visiting the office. We then visited five people living in three of the properties supported by the provider.

We found that the people who used the service had a high level of involvement in the way the service was delivered to them. All of the people we met spoke highly of the service and we saw that there was a very positive relationship between them and the staff.

People told us that they felt safe receiving support from European Wellcare Lifestyles Limited (Crewe) and that they knew who to contact if they felt worried. Staff were aware of their responsibilities if they encountered poor care.

We saw that medicines were properly stored and administered in the properties and that there were arrangements for looking after people's money safely. We looked at programmes of staff training and were satisfied that these supported staff to deliver care properly. We checked that the provider monitored the quality of care being provided and responded to complaints or suggestions.

We spoke to staff in two of the local authorities which commissioned services from the provider. They told us that their experience of European Wellcare Lifestyles Limited (Crewe) was 'very positive, with good communication, flexible keyworkers and good quality file keeping'. One told us that the standard of care provided was 'good in the main'. One of the authorities told us that sometimes the standard of care had dropped below this level but that they had been able approach the provider about this and the matter had been resolved.

31 May 2012

During a routine inspection

We completed an unannounced inspection 31 May 2012 and spoke with five users of the service. We were invited by the people who used the service to visit them in their own homes and asked for their views on the service they received. Their views were taken into account when writing our report. We also spoke with four relatives of people who used the service and members of staff.

People who used the service were keen to tell us about how they felt valued and that their views listened to and acted on.

One person who used the service told us that staff did all they could to support him to find work. They said: "I'd like to work but I want paid work. The staff have been trying to sort it out for me, but there is not much work around so I have come to help the staff here today."

Another person who used the service gave us examples of how the staff enable them to be independent. They said: "The staff help me to budget my money so as I can shop every week and get what I want." They also said: "We go to the local supermarket after we've planned a menu with our food shopping list and choose what we want to eat."

People using the service showed us their 'outcomes' files and it was clear from the information that they were able to pursue their hobbies and the activities they enjoy. One person told us that they had started guitar lessons and demonstrated the learning with a few bars on the guitar using the information on their sheets of music.

We saw that people had attended events and been involved in the organisation of the events within the local community for sports activities. We also saw the medals accrued for attending and being successful at these events.

Another person told us: "I really enjoy going to college and going to the local disco."

We asked if they felt that their opinions were listened to and acted on and we were told that the staff did listen and act. An example was given: "When we moved in here (their house) it was really dark and not very nice, we picked the colour and the furniture." They also had house meetings and divided between them some of the house chores.

One person who used the service said: "I feel safe here and I would tell the staff if I had a problem or the manager."

Relatives of the people using the service said they were very happy with the care provided. They said the staff were professional and understood their relatives' needs. They considered the service to be well managed. Relatives told us that they found the staff approachable and that they had good communication with the staff. They found the staff knowledgeable about their relatives care and support needs. One relative said: "The staff care about the people they look after and you can tell that they know what they are doing."

Relatives of one person who used the service said: "All I'd like to say really is to carry on the good work. I've never seen our relative so happy, they have got a better social life than I have."