Archived: Ravencare Limited (Fleetwood) DCA

28 Siding Road, Fleetwood, Lancashire, FY7 6NS (01253) 876042

Provided and run by:
Ravencare Limited

Important: The provider of this service changed. See new profile

All Inspections

29 September 2011

During a routine inspection

We spoke to the registered manager, five staff members, and visited three people who use the service in their own homes for their views on the service they receive. In addition we looked at a sample of surveys which have recently been received by the agency, and provide an overview of what people think of the service they receive.

Comments we received were generally positive and included, "They are lovely girls and I have got to know them well". Also, "I have had the same girls for a long time there are no problems the staff are good, reliable and we usually have a laugh", ' Everything is O.K. but it would help if they let us know when there is going to be a change in the staff and time'.

Evidence we received by talking to staff members demonstrated this is a good agency to work for and staff told us they felt supported to carry out their role. One staff member said, "I think we all work really well together as a team', 'I haven't been here long and still going through my induction, but everyone is very supportive'.

Staff spoken to had a good awareness of individual care needs and the importance of treating people with respect and dignity. A carer spoken to said, "The staff are

fine respectful and on time".

Other agencies we spoke to about the service, had no issues about the service it provides.