• Services in your home
  • Homecare service

Medinova Healthcare Ltd,

Overall: Requires improvement read more about inspection ratings

B2-14 Vista Centre, 50 Salisbury Road, Hounslow, TW4 6JQ (020) 3539 8638

Provided and run by:
Medinova Healthcare Ltd

Report from 11 October 2024 assessment


  • Overall

    Requires improvement

  • Safe

    Requires improvement

  • Effective


  • Caring


  • Responsive


  • Well-led

    Requires improvement

Our view of the service

Medinova Healthcare Ltd is a domiciliary care agency. It provides personal care to people living in their own houses and flats. Date of assessment: 12 November to 18 November 2024. We carried out this assessment to follow up on breaches of regulation we identified at the last inspection. The last rating for the service was requires improvement (published 15 April 2023). At the last inspection, we identified breaches relating to person-centred care, need for consent, safe care and treatment, good governance and staffing. At this assessment we found the provider remained in breach of regulations relating to person-centred care, safe care and treatment, good governance and staffing. We identified new concerns relating to fit and proper persons employed. Records were not always maintained, and systems were not always operated effectively. This meant that there was an increased risk of harm. For example, medicines and risks were not always managed in a safe way. The provider’s recruitment systems and staff training were not always robust. The provider’s systems for monitoring the service needed to be improved. However, people were happy with the care they received. Staff felt well supported and were happy working for the agency.

People's experience of this service

5 people were using the service at the time of our assessment. We spoke with the relatives of all 5 people. An Expert by Experience made phone calls to relatives. An Expert by Experience is a person who has personal experience of using or caring for someone who uses this type of care service. We also spoke with 1 external professional and received feedback from 6 care workers. People’s relatives told us that they were happy with the care and support people received. They explained they were cared for by familiar staff who they liked. They told us staff arrived on time. People had been involved in making decisions about their care. They told us their human rights were respected. People’s relatives told us they were supported to be independent and do things for themselves. People and their relatives knew who the registered manager was and felt able to speak when needed. While the people we spoke to expressed that they were generally happy with their care, our assessment found elements of the service did not meet the expected standards.