• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: Anthony Edwards House

27 Ritherdon Road, Balham, London, SW17 8QE (020) 8672 6360

Provided and run by:
Viridian Housing

All Inspections

26 February 2014

During a routine inspection

There were three people living at the home during the time of our inspection, two people had gone out and only one person was at the home. We were not able to speak with this person during our inspection. We looked at people's care plans and spoke with two staff.

The manager told us that Anthony Edwards House was due to close by the end of March 2014. People using the service had already found or were being supported to find alternative accommodation.

We looked at the care plans of all three people living at the home. These contained support plans, risk assessments and daily notes and were reviewed every three months by a key worker. People had contributed to their care plans and had signed them to indicate their agreement with their content.

People's food preferences were recorded in their care plans. Staff completed a 'daily food intake sheet' to record what people ate and the quantity.

We looked at maintenance records for the home. The fire alarms and water temperature were tested weekly. We saw current certificates for gas safety, the 'deaf alerter system' and the Portable Appliance Testing (PAT).

We checked the staff rota for the previous two months and saw that there were enough staff to meet the needs of people.

Staff had individual access to the information technology (IT) system to access their own records. Other confidential information was kept in a locked safe.

5 December 2012

During a routine inspection

In this report the name of Pam Miman, a registered manager, appears who was not in post and not managing the regulatory activities at this location at the time of the inspection. Their name appears because they were still a Registered Manager on our register at the time.

We looked at care plans and observed people in the home. Staff told us that "we like to build on skills and make people independent". We saw that people using the service were involved in different activities throughout the day. People using the service were able to have a say in the running of the home through monthly meetings. The manager told us 'the meetings are an open forum, any issues can be discussed'.

Staff were suitably qualified to provide support to people using the service. They were British Sign Language (BSL) trained and so were able to communicate effectively. Carers were also supported in their ongoing training by attending refresher training.

We saw records of staff training which showed that staff had recently attended training in safeguarding vulnerable adults. We saw the policy on money handling and looked at the financial records of people using the service. Accurate records of all financial transactions were kept.

The provider responded appropriately to complaints and the complaints procedure was on display in the home

5 November 2011

During a routine inspection

We saw that staff had a positive attitude towards the people who use the service and the support they provide.

Staff have developed a good rapport with people who use the service and treated them with respect.

We saw people receiving individualised support to help them be more independent in their lives.