At the time of our visit there were eight people using the service. We spoke with seven of them, and observed (with people's agreement) a group therapy session. All the people we spoke with were satisfied with the care and treatment provided. One said, 'It's excellent. You can't fault the treatment'. Another told us they found the treatment 'invaluable'. People told us they felt safe and received effective and responsive care and treatment.Staff told us the service was well managed and focussed on providing effective treatments. Staff had a very good level of knowledge regarding the people using the service, the aims of the service and current practice in recovery services. We saw that staff were friendly and caring, aware of people's needs and preferences, and responsive to them.
We found evidence people consented to their treatment, information was shared appropriately and capacity issues were taken into account. Records examined were well kept and up to date. The environment was suitable for purpose. Treatment options were person-centred and followed best practice clinical guidance. Aspects of the treatment programme we saw were conducted in an open, empowering and sensitive manner. People were protected against risks associated with the management of medicines. There was an effective complaints procedure. The provider carried out the necessary checks before staff started work.