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Archived: Bell Lodge
Registration details
The location ID for Bell Lodge is 1-125027634. CQC register Bell Lodge to carry out these legally regulated activities. Contact us if you think Bell Lodge is operating services not listed here.
Type of service
- Residential homes
Service specialism
- Dementia
- Physical disabilities
- Sensory impairments
Local authority
West Northamptonshire
Monitored services
CQC register Bell Lodge to carry out the following legally regulated services here:
Accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care
Mr Graham Holden is the registered manager for these services at this location.
Ms Jane Piengjai Thongsook is the registered manager for these services at this location.
Condition of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
The Registered Person must not admit any service users to Bell Lodge without the prior written agreement of the Care Quality Commission. This includes any respite admissions of service users, service users who are discharged from hospital to the service or any readmissions of service users who have been resident at the home at any time and who may be seeking to return.
The Registered Provider must within 14 days of this condition taking effect send to the Care Quality Commission written documentation setting out how they will ensure that there is an effective system in place to identify and record all service user needs and oversight of the service. This must include an effective system for the monitoring of assessment of need, risk assessments and completion of records.
The Registered Provider must within 14 days of this condition taking effect send to the Care Quality Commission written documentation setting out how they will ensure the environment is suitable.
The Registered Provider must within 14 days of this condition taking effect send to the Care Quality Commission written documentation setting out how they will ensure that all policies and procedures are in place to ensure all service users have the correct documentation in place including when food and fluid charts, repositioning charts and body maps are required.
Terms of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
The Registered Provider must only accommodate a maximum of 15 service users at Bell Lodge.
The Registered Provider must not provide nursing care under accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care at Bell Lodge.
Treatment of disease, disorder or injury
Ms Jane Piengjai Thongsook is the registered manager for these services at this location.