20 June 2017
During a routine inspection
There was a quality assurance audit in place however the system was not always effective because issues identified at the inspection had not been recognised during the monitoring and auditing process.
People continued to receive safe care. Staff had received appropriate adult safeguarding training and were aware of their role and responsibilities to protect people from avoidable harm.
Risks associated with people's individual needs, including the environment and premises had been assessed and plans were in place to mitigate any risks. Procedures were in place to report any accidents and incidents and these were investigated and acted upon appropriately.
Staff underwent appropriate recruitment checks before they commenced their employment. Staffing levels were adequate; staff had time to spend with people. People were supported to receive their prescribed medicines safely however some improvements were needed to the management and recording of medicines stock levels.
People continued to receive effective care and support. Staff received an appropriate induction, on going training and opportunities to discuss and review their work.
The principles of The Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards had been applied where required. People were supported to make their own choices and their consent sought.
People were supported with any dietary and nutritional needs however mixed feedback about the food available was received. We have made a recommendation to the provider to review people’s meal time experience. People were supported appropriately with their health care needs and the staff worked well with external healthcare professionals following any guidance and recommendations made.
Care plans were individualised and person centred focussing on people's assessed needs. Plans were reviewed and evaluated regularly to ensure planned care was current and up to date.
People had access to activities however the registered manager had recognised that further improvements could be made and plans were in place to implement these changes.
The service had a clear complaints policy that was applied when issues arose. The registered manager was involved in monitoring standards and promoting good practice.