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Archived: Manorcourt Home Care

29 Turbine Way, Ecotech Business Park, Swaffham, Norfolk, PE37 7XD (01760) 726394

Provided and run by:
Manorcourt Care (Norfolk) Limited

All Inspections

4 December 2013

During a routine inspection

We looked at care plans that set out the needs of people and how the person had chosen to be supported. Records showed us that individual choices and daily routines for people were clearly described in their care plan. This meant that people were fully consulted and that they had agreed with every stage of their care plan. This was also confirmed when we spoke with people who used the service.

Care plans contained the information that enabled staff to provide appropriate and safe care and support. People we spoke with who used the service told us that they were provided with the assistance they needed in a way they had chosen. One person told us 'Staff are really wonderful and they listen to me.' Another person said 'I have no complaints, staff are competent and caring at all times.'

Records contained evidence that the safety and welfare of people were supported and maintained. Staff completed regular training regarding the safeguarding of people. Staff expressed a thorough knowledge of safeguarding issues and the appropriate action to take should they have to deal with such a situation.

We saw that an assessment of the quality of the service was regularly carried out. We read the current questionnaires that had been issued. People using the service confirmed that the provider undertook regular spot checks on the quality of the support that was provided. The auditing systems we found to be in place informed the development of new practices and procedures that may be necessary.

15 January 2013

During a routine inspection

People using the service told us that they were asked for their choices before they received any care or support. They told us that staff assisted them with consideration for their dignity at all times and did not rush them. Three people we spoke with told us that staff were wonderful.

Staff had clear information on care plans that enabled them to know the choices a person had made. This meant that staff could then assist the person in the way they had chosen. We were told that staff did a fabulous job when providing support or care.

Staff had regular training to ensure that they were able to support people to manage their medicines in a safe way. Spot checks were regularly completed on medication records to support the safety and well being of people who use the service.

Appropriate checks were undertaken before staff began work. Staff also confirmed that they completed an induction training programme and shadowed an experienced member of staff prior to working alone.

People using Manorcourt Home Care told us they had information and telephone numbers if they had a worry or complaint and they felt they would be listened to. One person explained how they had discussed some early worries and staff had listened and quickly resolved things to their satisfaction. Records showed that the manager had responded to previous complaints in line with the organisations' complaints policy.

2 June 2011

During a routine inspection

We spoke with four people who used the service. They told us that their needs were met and that they were consulted about the care that they were provided with. People told us that the staff always treated them with respect and that their privacy and dignity were respected and maintained. They were complimentary about the staff that cared for them and told us that staff members were friendly and kind and had a good attitude. They told us that a team leader had visited them to check that they were happy with the service they received and that their complaints and concerns were listened to and resolved.

Staff members with whom we spoke told us that they had completed training. They told us that improvements had been made and that they were given the information they needed and could read in the plan of care of anyone using the service the changes made to their care and support.

The Manager with whom we spoke told us that every effort was made to ensure that the needs of people using the service were met and that staff members were fully trained. They told us that improvements had been made to the care planning system and staffing structure to ensure that staff members in all areas were supervised and the quality of the service provided to people was monitored.