Our current view of the service
9 October 2024
The Glen Care Home is registered to provide accommodation and nursing or personal care to up to 52 people. At the time of our visit there were 47 people living at the home. Twenty-eight people required nursing support.
This was the first assessment of the service since it registered to the provider, Pusajev Ltd, in April 2022. All of the quality statements were assessed on this occasion. The service has been rated ‘Good’ overall as a result of this assessment.
We visited the care home on 29 October 2024 and the 5 November 2024. During our visits we were able to carry out observations in communal areas and speak with people, staff and visitors. We spoke with the owner, registered manager, 10 staff, 16 people and 2 relatives.
The home felt welcoming, friendly and homely with people, staff and relatives sitting and chatting, eating and taking part in activities.
People's experience of the service
9 October 2024
There was a calm and relaxed atmosphere at the home and people appeared comfortable with the staff who supported them. People told us they felt safe at the home, comments included, “I like it here, very much so, I feel safe here.”
People lived in a clean and safe building where regular safety checks were carried out.
People and relatives spoke positively about the attentiveness of staff and felt staff were well trained. We received lots of positive feedback about the skills and person-centred approach at the home.
People were supported by enough staff to meet their needs and preferences. Their care plans outlined how their needs should be met and gave guidance to staff about how to minimise risks. Staff ensured people’s care and treatment met their needs and promoted equality and diversity.
People were supported to receive visitors when they wished to, and visitors were made welcome by staff. One relative brought their dog with them and joined in activities with their family member.
People lived in a home where the registered manager was visible and approachable. People and visitors said they would be comfortable to make a complaint or raise any concerns. There were a number of audits in place to identify shortfalls and make improvements.