Archived: Pilgrim Homes - Hornsey Rise Memorial Home

Wellsborough, Near Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV13 6PA 0300 303 1465

Provided and run by:
Pilgrim Homes

All Inspections

16 April 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with four people who used the service and seven members of staff. We also reviewed four care records and three staff files.

The care records were reviewed monthly and signed by the member of staff and the person who used the service or their representative. This confirmed that the agreement and consent to care remained valid.

We observed the people who used the service appeared in good health, were well presented and were cared for in a clean and pleasant environment. All the people we spoke with told us they felt well cared for.

We visited the kitchen during our visit and saw that the area was well maintained, clean and tidy. The cook explained that there was a choice of meal every day and people's preferences were taken into account.

We saw that staff were attentive to people's needs and we witnessed good interactions between staff and the people who used the service.

People told us they knew what to do if they were unhappy. One person told us 'I have never made a formal complain but if I am unhappy or need something changed the staff are always accommodating'.

13 November 2012

During an inspection looking at part of the service

We spoke to nine members of staff, five people who use the service and two relatives. We looked at four care records and four staff files.

People told us they were happy and felt safe. One person told us 'Of Course they are looking after us. The food is wonderful, especially for me. I love my food.'

The staff we spoke with told us that they were well supported. One member of staff told us 'I would be happy to see my nan cared for here'

We found that people were involved in their care and were able to join in a wide variety of activities.

15 August 2012

During a routine inspection

People we spoke with told us about their positive experiences of the service. People were complimentary about the care and support they received. People said 'At the moment I'm alright and can do everything for myself but I know staff are here if I need more help' and 'I'm very happy with the care I get, the staff have looked after me whilst I've been poorly, which was re-assuring.'

People had a range of assessments and care plans which detailed the care and support they needed. People's health and care needs were monitored and reviewed regularly by staff. People had access to a range of health and social care professionals that ensured their health, safety and wellbeing. People told us about the daily lifestyle and were supported of observe their religious beliefs.

People told us they always had a choice of meals and were satisfied with the quality and choices available.

People told us they had opportunities to make comment about the service. One person said 'I feel quite safe here and if there was a problem I'd go straight to the manager.'

14 October 2011

During a routine inspection

We observed 24 service users, five of whom we observed using a specific way of observing care to help understand the experience of people who could not talk to us. We spoke to one service user who had verbal communication skills. We also spoke to a relative who was visiting the home. Our observations led us to conclude that people were mainly satisfied with their experience of the home. A service user told us that "staff sometimes slip up" by not responding quickly enough to call bells. The relative we spoke to told us that he'd had an input into his mother's care plan and that his mother was "definately treated with respect and dignity".

14 October 2011

During a routine inspection

We observed 24 service users, five of whom we observed using a specific way of observing care to help understand the experience of people who could not talk to us. We spoke to one service user who had verbal communication skills. We also spoke to a relative who was visiting the home. Our observations led us to conclude that people were mainly satisfied with their experience of the home. A service user told us that "staff sometimes slip up" by not responding quickly enough to call bells. The relative we spoke to told us that he'd had an input into his mother's care plan and that his mother was "definately treated with respect and dignity".