21 October 2011
During an inspection looking at part of the service
We were able to speak with all three people who remained at the home. Other people who used the service had left the home and there were currently twenty four vacancies.
We asked the three people who were currently using the service what they thought about the care and treatment they received. They responded positively and said they felt supported by the staff team and the newly appointed manager. One person commented, 'Everything is marvellous'. Another person told us, 'They do everything they should'.
We observed that the way staff were supporting people in the home had a positive effect on their well being. Staff we interviewed had a good understanding of the needs of the people they supported.
All the three people who currently use the service told us they were happy with the food provided at the home. One person told us there was always plenty to eat. During both our visits we saw that people were having their lunch together in the dining room. This appeared a relaxed and unhurried experience.
People told us that they were satisfied with the way the home accessed outside healthcare professionals such as doctors, chiropodists and dentists.
One person commented that when she was ill recently the manager had called the doctor to come and see her without delay.
People who use the service indicated that they were happy with the staff who supported them. We observed friendly and supportive interactions between staff and the three remaining people using the service.
People who use the service confirmed that the staff ask them how things are going and if they are happy with the care provided at Woodberry Grove.
People told us that they were happy with the care they receive at the home. One person commented, 'they are all quite nice here'.