We visited Carrwood House on 2 and 3 April 2014 to carry out an inspection. Due to unforeseen circumstances we were unable to make progress with the inspection. Therefore it was terminated.On Thursday 29 May 2014 two adult social care inspectors carried out this inspection. We spoke with seven people, four staff, the manager and the provider. We checked records relating to people and staff. We considered all the evidence we collated against the outcomes we inspected to help answer our five key questions; is the service safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led?
In this report the name of a registered manager appears who was not in post and not managing the regulatory activity at this location at the time of this inspection. Their name appears because they were still a Registered Manager on our register. We have advised the manager currently in post that they are required to apply to the commission to become a registered manager.
Below is a summary which describes what people using the service and the staff told us, what we observed and what we found from the records we looked on the day. If you want to see the evidence that supports our summary please read the full report.
Is the service safe?
Care was planned and delivered in a way to ensure people were safe and protected from unlawful discrimination. Care workers had a good understanding of equality and diversity. People told us that they felt safe and care workers respected them and helped them with their daily living activities. One person said, 'This home is like a community. We all get on. Sometimes arguments break out between us or sometimes with staff. We sort it out.' Two more people told us that staff treated them well and made sure other people who lived at the home respected and helped each other. This meant staff promoted a safe environment for people to live in.
People were cared for in a clean and homely environment. Staff said they had attended training on infection prevention and control. One staff said, 'Washing hands properly is the most important thing. I also make sure people wash their hands.'
During the tour of the premise we noted a dedicated member of staff carrying out cleaning duties throughout the home. We observed staff using personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves and apron appropriately.
The environment was in need of repair, renovation and maintenance to become safe and suitable for the people who lived and worked at the home. The provider had not taken appropriate measures in relation to the up keep of the premises and did not have a planned programme of work.
Day to day maintenance work was unsatisfactory. Maintenance records evidenced that most of the work had not been carried out in a timely manner. This was due to the maintenance person having to carry out the upkeep of two properties as well as complete the necessary building work, refurbishments and renovation of the properties. This meant work was completed only when it became the top priority.
During our feedback on the day of the inspection the provider agreed to forward us an action plan with dates for completion by Tuesday 3 June 2014. They agreed to keep us up to date with progress. By Thursday 5 June 2014 we have not received the action plan.
Recruitment and selection processes in place were satisfactory. Appropriate procedures were undertaken, such as face to face interview, Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) clearance and obtaining references from previous employers. We spoke with two staff who confirmed they had followed the process as mentioned above before they started their employment.
CQC monitors the operation of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards which applies to care homes. While no applications have needed to be submitted, the manager was aware of the proper policies and procedures to follow. The manager had made arrangements for all staff to attend training on the above topic to achieve better understanding of when an application should be made, and how to submit one.
Is the service effective?
Care was delivered with people's consent and where people did not have the capacity to consent, the provider acted in accordance with legal requirements. People told us that care workers asked them for consent before assisting them. One person said, 'Staff let me know what is planned for the day. I can decide what I want to do or do nothing.'
There were arrangements in place to deal with foreseeable emergencies. Staff were knowledgeable about the procedures to follow if a person required immediate medical attention. The manager and the senior staff said they had a policy in place to deal with emergencies and staff were reminded of this at staff meetings.
People were given a choice of nutritious food which met their preferences. People told us that they often discussed menus during residents' meetings. We were informed by staff and two people who lived at the home that they had themed meals such as Indian, Italian, and if the weather permitted a barbecue.
A list of people's likes and dislikes and a four week menu was displayed in the kitchen. There was ample stock of fresh fruit and vegetables. The fridges and freezer were well stocked. Meal times were flexible and people were able to get snacks between meals if they wanted.
Is the service caring?
Staff supported the people in a caring and compassionate way. Staff were attentive and they encouraged people when supporting them.
Three people told us they had care plans and staff took time to tell them about what was written in the plans. They said they could change the plan if they wanted to. One person said, 'I know what is in my files. My key worker tells me if I want to know anything.' Another person told us, 'I know all that is in my care plan. X (the manager) is always reminding me about things I had agreed to do. Can't get away from it. They look after me I am much better in here.' This meant staff cared about the people and took steps to promote their wellbeing.
Is the service responsive?
Initial assessments of people were carried out by the manager to ensure the service was able to meet the needs of people.
With the help of regular reviews by the manager and senior staff appropriate care was delivered by staff. Once people's care needs were identified, they were followed up by risk assessments to make sure the plan of care minimised the risk to people.
Care and support was provided taking into account people's preferences, interests, aspirations and diverse needs.
The manager informed us that they were recruiting more staff to meet the needs of people.
Is the service well-led?
The manager ensured people's needs were reviewed and care was delivered in a way that promoted independence. There were arrangements in place for monitoring care and consulting people about their experiences and their changing needs. This meant the manager had taken action to ensure people were in receipt of appropriate care.
People who used the service were asked for their views about their care and treatment at residents' meetings. Although the provider visited the home regularly and spoke with people there was limited evidence that changes had been implemented due to information gained by the provider. We shared our findings with the provider and they agreed to formalise such visits in the future and produce a report with an action plan if required.
We saw audits carried out by the Sheffield Council Commissioning and Contracting staff. They have made regular visits to the home to help the manager make progress. The manager had introduced checks to monitor the activities at the home. This work was in progress. On the day of the inspection we informed the provider that the manager required sufficient support from them to ensure effective running and achievement of improvement of the home. The provider agreed to it.