19 October 2013
During a routine inspection
People were cared for well and respected at all times during our visit. We observed staff supporting people with day to day activities, and the interaction was observed to be sincere, respectful and responsive to individual support needs.
People chose how to occupy themselves in the service. We observed that people were spending time in the communal areas listening to music, singing together and playing snakes and ladders. During our visit we observed people spending time in their bedrooms watching television, reading and completing crosswords. We observed staff spending the majority of their time with people who used the service. They frequently checked on them to ensure they were alright when spending time on their own.
People's care plans and records were accurate and reflected people's individual care and support needs.
The provider had an effective recruitment and selection process in place. Staff that we spoke with were very happy within their jobs and felt supported by the manager and their colleagues.