Archived: Cameron House

Cameron Road, Chesham, Buckinghamshire, HP5 3BP (01494) 793290

Provided and run by:
The Fremantle Trust

All Inspections

3 November 2011

During a routine inspection

We saw people making drinks and snacks for themselves and one person preparing his packed lunch for the following day. People were free to select fruit from three big bowls in the lounge which contained a variety of fruit. We saw people helping with household chores such as putting their laundry away and taking out the rubbish.

People told us they could spend time in their rooms or the communal areas of the home. We saw that people let themselves in with front door keys. One person told us he attends church regularly. Another person saw us reading the service users' guide and said he had seen it too.

People told us there were regular residents' meetings and they could talk about anything there. They said they took it in turns to choose the weekly menus.

People said they go into town to go shopping. Some people said they had been to see a local art exhibition which included artwork by one of the people using the service. One person told us he goes to college by public transport on his own. One person said he was going out to the ballet in the evening with a member of staff.

People told us they had been made aware of plans to move to new accommodation in the future and knew where it was going to be built. We heard staff talking with people about this such as being able to choose their own furniture and d'cor and being able to invite their friends into their new flats.

People said they could manage most of their personal care themselves. They said staff help them with the things they find difficult, such as having a bath and helping with cleaning their teeth. They told us there were always staff around when they needed them. People said staff would contact their doctor if they felt unwell. They said they were supported to attend healthcare appointments such as going to the dentist and optician.

People told us they were happy living at Cameron House. They said they would talk with staff if they had any concerns or worries. People said staff would listen to them and help them. They also said they could talk about things in the residents' meetings.