Updated 27 August 2014
We carried out this inspection under Section 60 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 as part of our regulatory functions. This inspection was planned to check whether the provider was meeting the legal requirements of the Health and Social Care Act 2008. It was also part of the first testing phase of the new inspection process CQC is introducing for adult social care services.
The inspection team was made up of three people - a lead inspector, a specialist advisor who was a qualified pharmacist with a specialism in dementia care and an expert by experience. This is a person who has personal experience of using or caring for someone who uses this type of care service.
The team spoke with six staff members, three managers and three relatives who were visiting on the day of the inspection. We also spoke with many of the people who lived in the home, eight were able to give their views and we observed the others in the communal areas of the home to try to gauge how they felt about their surroundings and the people who lived with them or supported them. We reviewed four people’s care files, three staff supervision records and looked at medication records, fluid and food intake monitoring forms, many of the home’s policies and procedures, as well as reviewing the premises. We also viewed the home’s computerised records and audit system. Some of our observations took place at lunchtime and some during a group activity session which was facilitated by an external organisation.
When the home had been inspected in November 2013 it had been found to be meeting all the regulations, but a lack of availability of activities had been noted and some people were not helped to engage with their surroundings as much as they could have been. On inspection in May 2013 the home was also found to be meeting all the regulations.
On this occasion we did not speak to any external stakeholders prior to our visit due to the timing of the inspection and we did not receive the Provider Information Return in advance due to technical issues.