Archived: Haverholme House Care Home

Broughton Road, Appleby, Scunthorpe, Lincolnshire, DN15 0AD (01724) 862722

Provided and run by:
Ancyra Health Limited

All Inspections

10 August 2012

During an inspection looking at part of the service

People spoke with us about the care they received in the Haverholme House Care Home. Comments included, 'It's very nice, they look after you,' 'I like it. They do help if it is needed. I can do a lot for myself,' 'It's all right,' and 'I've been reasonably content.' A relative said, 'Generally it's good; the care is good. I am involved in reviews of my wife's care.' Another relative told us, 'He can't do anything on his own. He has to be hoisted. He still does get good care. If there is anything needed the key worker goes out of her way. It's not just a job to her, she cares.'

We asked people to tell us about the food and drink provided in the service and about how they liked their meals. Comments included: 'The food is fairly good,' 'Soup is normally hot' and "We like the food and we are offered an alternative.'

We spoke with people who used the service about the cleanliness of the home. One person told us, 'It is a clean place.' Another person said, 'I would say the place is clean.' A relative told us, 'The place is clean. I would say it is very good. There are no odours.'

We spoke with people who used the service about their medicines. Comments included, 'We get medicines after breakfast,' 'They do give me them,' and 'I have medicines but sometimes I don't think they are doing much good.' A relative commented, 'They administer medications OK.' Another relative told us, 'Medicines are always on time and staff help her to swallow medicines. They don't leave her. They make sure she takes it.'

We spoke with people who used the service about the staff that worked with them. Comments included, 'Everybody is nice,' and 'It depends on what staff are on duty, but on the whole they are quite good. They certainly seem to have their work cut out.' A relative told us, 'Most of the time they seem to be adequately staffed.'

However, one person told us, 'There are not enough carers on at night time. The carer does everything, vacuums and everything'there are not enough carers.' When we discussed these comments with the manager we found that arrangements had been made to increase the number of staff on duty at night.

12 March 2012

During an inspection in response to concerns

Generally the staff were very well liked and respected by the people using the service and families. Comments included :'The staff are very friendly and helpful" and 'The girls are good, they try their best'

However, they felt in recent months there had been staff shortages which meant that staff were very busy, they often had to wait for staff support and care was at times missed. People told us 'We regularly have to wait for staff, they can't help it they are so busy' and 'The staffing is particularly bad at certain times, in the mornings and at meal times it's worse.'

There were some mixed views about the quality of the meals. Some people considered the meals were good and the menu provided a lot of choice. Comments included 'The meals are fairly good' and 'There is always something on the menu I like.' However other people spoken with had more negative views of the meals and commented: 'He has not been impressed with some of the meals lately, they tell the staff but nothing much gets done' and 'The quality of the meals is varied and they are not as good as before.'

People we spoke with said that they felt safe living at the home and confirmed they would speak with the nursing staff or the acting manager if they had any concerns. This was confirmed by the relatives we spoke with during our visit. One person's relative told us 'I raise concerns when I need to, I go to the manager if there are any problems'.

27 January 2011

During a routine inspection

People living in the home told us that their privacy and dignity was respected and that staff supported them in the way they wanted.

People told us they are able to see their doctor when they need to.

People said that the staff were very kind and caring. They told us 'the staff are all lovely, they will do anything for you'.

People said that they enjoyed the meals and there was always a good choice, although two people told us that sometimes the food wasn't warm enough.

They told us that they were happy with the environment and the home was kept clean and tidy.

People said they knew who to talk to if they had any concerns.

Relatives told us that they were pleased with the home, they said 'they don't just look after you here, they really care' and ' the staff are always welcoming, we never feel in the way'.