Archived: Lifeways Community Care (St Helen's)

4 Duncan Street, St Helens, Merseyside, WA10 3TE

Provided and run by:
Lifeways Community Care Limited

All Inspections

19 February 2013

During a routine inspection

We were unable to speak with anybody receiving respite care at 4 Duncan Street at the time of our inspection. However, we spoke with one person using the service on the telephone after the inspection. They told us they enjoyed staying at Duncan Street and liked the staff. In particular, they enjoyed going out and visiting different places. For example, they had just been to see the visiting naval ship at the Albert Dock in Liverpool.

We spoke with a relative of a person who was using the respite service at 4 Duncan Street. They were very satisfied with the care and support their daughter received at the service. They said 'This is the only place I have total confidence in. The staff are committed and always stay in touch to keep me informed.'

There was a wide range of activities and trips out available for people using the service. The manager and one of the team leaders told us about the links that have been established with the local community and how there were certain shops and pubs people liked to visit because the staff were so welcoming. Records were kept with photographs of the different activities people had undertaken. We were told different methods were used to engage with people who were unable to communicate verbally. For example, one person liked to select the activity they wished to do by pointing at the relevant photograph in their activity record.

16 January 2012

During a routine inspection

A number of people who used the service were not able to communicate verbally. Our observations showed that staff were supportive and respectful when they assisted the people who used the service.

We saw ten completed surveys sent out by the service to find out peoples views. These showed that the people who used the service were happy with the care and support they had received. A person who used the service wrote in a survey;

'I am happy at Duncan Street. I like the meals. I like the staff. I wish I could stay longer.'

The four relatives spoken with told us that they were very happy with the service provided. They described the staff as respectful and considerate. They said they have been asked their views about the service at care plan reviews and through surveys. All five relatives said that appropriate care and support was given, there were opportunities to go out into the local community and to socialise and that they have never needed to complain but if they did they would know how to. Some comments made were;

"It's a smashing service. The staff are really caring and very helpful. The manager is wonderful and does her best to support us."

"It's a great place, we cannot fault it. My relative loves going."

"We are happy with the service. The staff provide the care and support needed. It feels like a safe place."

"An absolutely brilliant service. We class the staff as friends. They keep us well informed."

We asked St Helens Council for their views on how the service operated. They said there were no current concerns or safeguarding issues. They last visited in October 2010 and found that the service was clean and well presented and that staff appeared caring and motivated. They said that there had been a number of improvements, however, some further improvements were needed. The manager provided an action plan to St Helens Council as to how these improvements were to be made.