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  • Care home

Forest Hill House Nursing Home

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Rushall Lane, Corfe Mullen, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 3RT (01202) 631741

Provided and run by:
Royal Bay Care Homes Ltd

Latest inspection summary

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Our current view of the service


Updated 7 November 2024

Forest Hill House Nursing Home is registered to provide care, nursing and support for up to 27 people. The home provides residential and nursing care for older adults, some of whom are living with dementia. At the time of this assessment, there were 24 people living at the home. This assessment was prompted by concerns about clinical procedures. However, following this assessment we were fully assured of practices within the home and the arrangements in place to keep people safe. The assessment took place between 21 November and 23 November 2024. People had risk assessments in place for all their care, nursing and support needs. Risk assessments were completed with people’s involvement and supported them to be as safe as possible. Safeguarding procedures were clear, known to staff and there was confidence in the management to address any issues promptly. Staff were recruited safely and were enough staff planned on duty to meet the needs of people. Staff told us they were one big family and wanted to do the best for people. A member of staff said, “We are like a little family and its nice atmosphere. I love what I do, I love being part of the resident’s lives and making a difference.” Training was in place for staff, and they felt supported by each other and the management of the home. The registered manager told us they were confident in their team and were passionately a voice for peoples. People, their relatives and staff were complimentary about the registered manager.

People's experience of the service

Updated 7 November 2024

People and their relatives told us Forest Hill House Nursing Home was a kind and happy place to be. Staff treated people with dignity, respect, kindness and love. People told us staff were there when they needed them, they said staff were kind and caring. People and their relatives were complimentary about the staff team, the atmosphere in the home and had confidence in the management team.