During this inspection we spoke with four people who lived at the home and two relatives. We also spoke with four staff and the registered manager. We observed how staff cared for the people who lived there. We saw that people were being given choices around what they wanted to do. We observed that people had received care that met their heath and welfare needs. One of the people we spoke with said: "The good thing is the staff, they are very nice".The two relatives of people who lived there gave us positive feedback about the standards of care and support that the staff provided. One person said that: "You can't fault them (staff), it's really good here'.
Staff employed at the home had access to further training and told us that they felt supported by their peers and the registered manager. One staff member said: "You can go to the manager with anything".
We found that medicine records were not always accurate, and medicine amounts did not always match the amounts that there should have been. Therefore we were unable to see if all of the people who lived there had received the right medicines at the right time.