Archived: Lincolnshire Social Services (LD Louth)

Eastfield House, Eastfield Road, Louth, Lincolnshire, LN11 7AN (01522) 554701

Provided and run by:
Lincolnshire County Council

All Inspections

5 January 2012

During a routine inspection

The people we spoke with said they were happy with the care and support they received and felt it was delivered in a safe way. They told us staff offered them choices and respected their opinions and that they were friendly, helpful and kind. One person said, 'I'm getting on alright at home with their help.' They told us how care workers were helping them to become more independent and confident so they could do more things themselves.

People described how care workers helped them to carry out everyday jobs such as managing their finances, as well as attending medical and social appointments. One person said, 'The girls set up my hair and take me shopping.' Another person told us, 'They (staff) have helped me start going back to church every week.'

The people we spoke with confirmed staff supported them as they preferred and listened to how they wanted things doing. When we asked people if staff were good at their job they told us they felt they were. One person told us, 'They are very good.' Another person said. 'They do things how I want them doing.'

People told us they did not have any complaints about the way they were supported. They said they would feel confident raising any concerns they might have with their keyworker or any of the care workers. One person said, 'I can not remember a time when I have had to complain at all.' When we asked them if there was anything they would like to improve no-one could think of anything they wanted to change. One person told us they were asked 'all the time' if they were satisfied with their care and support.