Archived: Bonner House

Mareham Lane, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 7JY (01529) 303306

Provided and run by:
Lincolnshire County Council

All Inspections

15 November 2011

During an inspection in response to concerns

We carried out this responsive inspection because we had concerns that this service had not been visited since the last inspection on 29 June 2007.

The people we spoke with said they liked staying at the home. They told us they were receiving all the care and support they needed. People said they thought the home was a safe place to live and they praised the staff who worked there One person said 'I could not get better care; nothing is too much trouble for them.' Another person commented, 'I can't find the words to say how good they (the staff) are.'

People said they had access to a varied activities programme that was tailored to their individual interests. One person told us how they enjoyed doing things like crafts. During our visit we saw them making bookmarks with a group of other people. Another person said there was a lot to do but they chose not to join in as they preferred their own company. They added that staff respected this decision.

People told us they enjoyed the meals on offer. One person said, 'They (staff) come round everyday and ask what we want for the next meal, there is plenty of choice and the quality is very good.'

People also said they felt confident taking any concerns to the manager or any of the staff. They said they had been asked if they were satisfied with the care they received and could not think of anyway it could be improved. One person commented, 'If you can't be at home this is the best place to be.'