Archived: White Rock Nursing Home

15 Chestnut Avenue, Barton-on-Sea, New Milton, Hampshire, BH25 7BQ (01425) 613627

Provided and run by:
White Rock Nursing Home Limited

All Inspections

28 April 2011

During a routine inspection

People who use the service and their relatives told us that staff respect people's privacy and dignity and involve them in the way their care is carried out. They said that they are consulted about the care they receive and kept informed. Their choices and preferences were respected and acted upon.

We heard from people about how their relatives had benefited from the good care they were receiving.

Some people said that the home provided a good range of activities and entertainment. Others felt that more could be done in terms of the provision of mental stimulation for some individuals using the service, particularly one-to-one activities.

Most of the people that we spoke with told us that the food was good and the choices included meals for people with special diets. They said that the staff were good at monitoring and encouraging individuals' diet and nutrition.

People told us that the home was kept very clean and that they were never aware of any odours. They also commented on the homely atmosphere.

People who use the service or their relatives told us that they felt the staff were qualified and competent to do their jobs and had the right approach when giving care and support. They said that they thought that staff availability and the ratio of staff to people using the service was good and that the staff worked well as a team.

Relatives of people using the service told us that the management had an 'open door approach' and had asked for their views on how to improve the service through a quality assurance questionnaire. People that we spoke with told us they could ask questions or raise any concerns at any time and that the management and staff would listen and respond.

People told us that records, such as care plans, were kept confidential and secure. They also said that they had access to their records if they wished.