This inspection took place on 5 November and was unannounced. At the previous inspection in December 2013, we found that there were no breaches of legal requirements.
Saxon Lodge Residential Home Limited provides accommodation and personal care for up to 23 older people. There were 21 people living at the home at the time of inspection. The accommodation is over two floors and upstairs bedrooms can be accessed by a passenger lift. There is a communal lounge, dining room and a garden with seating.
There was no registered manager at the service on the day of our inspection. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
There were not enough staff on duty to make sure that practices in the home were safe and to respond to emergencies. Three people out of 21 required two staff to support them with their mobility needs. However, there were times when only two staff were available . If staff were supporting one person who required two staff, no other staff were available to respond to the needs of the other people who lived in the home.
The homes’ procedures were followed in undertaking checks on all staff’s before they started work at the home.
Quality assurance systems were not robust as they had not identified the shortfalls in staffing at the home.
The home sought feedback from people who lived there and their relatives by using a quality questionnaire. Although questionnaire contained mainly positive views, the results had not been analysed to identify any shortfalls and therefore take the appropriate action to improve the service.
Staff stored and managed medicines safely, but a recommendation has been made about how to record controlled drugs in line with current guidance.
Visitors felt safe leaving their relatives in the care of the staff at the home. Staff understood how to recognise abuse and to report their concerns. There were policies and procedures in place for managing risk. Risk assessments were centred around the needs of the person to be as independent as possible.
The home kept the premises and equipment well maintained to ensure that it was in good working order.
Staff had regular training to ensure that they had the right knowledge and skills to meet people’s needs effectively.
CQC is required by law to monitor the operation of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS). The manager and staff showed that they understood their responsibilities under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards. Care plans contained mental capacity assessments and DoLS applications had been made to ensure that three people were not deprived of their liberty.
People experienced positive outcomes regarding their health. Appropriate referrals were made to health and social care services. Assessments were made to identify people at risk of poor nutrition and for other medical conditions that affected their health. People said that the food was good and mealtimes were relaxed.
People’s care, treatment and support needs were clearly identified in their plans of care. They included peoples choices and preferences. Staff knew people well and understood their likes and dislikes. They treated people with kindness and respect, but said that they did not always have enough time as they would like to spend with people. People were positive about the staff support that they received. They said that staff looked after people well and that staff were friendly and helpful
People were offered a range of activities which they said that they enjoyed. This included trips out into the community. However, the number of activities had reduced as the activities coordinator had recently left the home.
Staff understood the aims of the home, their roles, were motivated and had confidence in the deputy manager’s management of the service. There was good communication in the staff team and that everyone helped each other.
We found two breaches of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2010
You can see what action we told the provider to take at the back of the full version of the report.