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Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Fulbrook Lane, South Ockendon, Essex, RM15 5JY (01708) 857354

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Report from 18 January 2024 assessment

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Updated 28 February 2024

Staff knew people well and people were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives. Staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests; the policies and systems in the service supported this practice. Relatives told us staff were kind, caring and compassionate.

This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Kindness, compassion and dignity

Score: 3

We did not look at Kindness, compassion and dignity during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Caring.

Treating people as individuals

Score: 3

We did not look at Treating people as individuals during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Caring.

Independence, choice and control

Score: 3

Care plans were updated regularly to reflect people's likes and dislikes and staff demonstrated how they knew the people they cared for well.

Relatives informed us that their relative's had choice and control over their care and that they were involved in every step. For example, one relative told us, "They keep me well informed. I am so pleased staff are professional. Everything is transparent and above board." Another relative told us, "[Relative] enjoys [specific activity] and staff make it happen."

Staff ensured people's care plans had up-to-date information to promote their independence. Staff met with people and their relatives to discuss their support and any changes that were needed. Staff had a good understanding of person-centred care and spoke about people with kindness and compassion. They knew people well as individuals and knew how to promote people to make meaningful choices and be independent with aspects of their support if this was their choice.

Responding to people’s immediate needs

Score: 3

We did not look at Responding to people’s immediate needs during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Caring.

Workforce wellbeing and enablement

Score: 3

We did not look at Workforce wellbeing and enablement during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Caring.