• Care Home
  • Care home

Miramar Care Home

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

165 Reculver Road, Beltinge, Herne Bay, Kent, CT6 6PX (01227) 374488

Provided and run by:
Avery At The Miramar (Operations) Limited

Latest inspection summary

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Our current view of the service


Updated 20 February 2024

Miramar Care Home is a care home providing personal care to people some who are living with dementia. We completed this assessment between 13 March 2024 and 28 March 2024. We undertook this assessment due to concerns about risk management. Whilst we found that people continued to have a good experience and staff received the right training for their roles, we found there was not always detailed guidance for staff to refer to about how to manage potential risks to people’s health and welfare. remained good. The provider’s audits had identified their processes to mitigate risk had not always been followed. Learning from accidents and incidents had not been incorporated into care plans or evaluated to see if the action had been effective. The provider had recently identified some of these shortfalls within the service and there were action plans being put in place. However, we identified there was an increased risk people would not receive care and support to keep them safe as the actions had not been completed. This was identified a breach of regulation in relation to the management of risk.

People's experience of the service

Updated 20 February 2024

People told us they felt safe living at the service and staff supported them when they needed it. People were supported to be as independent as possible, people still enjoyed activities they had done previously such as going out for walks each day. People were positive about their experience of the service, they knew how to make complaints but were confident any ‘niggles’ they had would be sorted immediately by staff. People told us they were involved in making decisions and choices. They felt involved in the service and attended regular meetings. Relatives of people who were unable to express themselves verbally, told us they had been involved in decisions about their support and care. People and relatives thought there were enough staff to meet their needs and they had received the training they needed.