People were treated with respect and their choices about their support and care were valued. One person we spoke with told us that staff were, 'Very patient, very friendly and pleasant.' We found that people were supported to live a quality of life which promoted their sense of well-being and promoted their independence. Their care records provided members of staff with clear guidance in how people's individual support and care needs were to be met in a safe and appropriate way. One relative told us that the provider, 'Listened to their [people who used the service] needs.'
We saw evidence of appropriate information documented in the care records to ensure that people were protected against the misuse of medication.
Adequate staff recruitment and training systems were in place to ensure that people who used the service received safe and appropriate care from suitable staff.
We did not see an effective quality assurance system was in place as the provider did not generate reports using the results from feedback to highlight any areas of achievement or areas of improvement to circulate to people who used the service and staff members.
We saw evidence that records were kept securely and could be easily accessed by staff when required.