• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: Preston Park House

Preston Road, Yeovil, Somerset, BA20 2EF (01935) 474023

Provided and run by:
Somerset Care Limited

All Inspections

30 October 2013

During a routine inspection

On the day of our visit there were 20 people living at Preston Park. During our visit we spoke with three people living there, four relatives, five staff and the registered manager.

There was a welcoming and calm atmosphere in the home. We found that people were being well cared for, and that their privacy and dignity was being respected. They were able to choose what they wanted to do, for example when they got up, and where they ate their meals.

We looked at care plans and saw that they reflected people's individual needs. People told us that the care they received was 'excellent.' We saw that care was monitored daily, and recorded accurately.

We observed two meals and saw that the food was freshly cooked and nutritious. People could choose from a daily menu and special diets and preferences were catered for. One person said, 'It's a good variety ' very well cooked and served nicely. The cook comes round and asks if you enjoyed your meal.' We saw that drinks were available throughout the day. Staff helped people who needed it and that they were given plenty of time to eat and drink.

We looked at the equipment used in the home to help people's mobility and keep them safe. We saw that there were enough wheelchairs for people to use. They were clean and maintained well. We also saw that other equipment such as hoists and stair-lifts were properly maintained.

We looked at how new staff were recruited and how the provider made sure that they were fit and suitable to do the job they had applied for. We saw that all appropriate checks had been made and that the manager regularly monitored this. People that we spoke with told us that they were confident that staff looked after them well.

We looked at how the provider kept records, and found that they were accurate, up to date, secure, and kept for the correct length of time. We saw that confidential records were disposed of securely.

31 May 2013

During an inspection looking at part of the service

On the day of our inspection, 25 older people were living in Preston Park House. We spoke with five people who live in the home, and three members of staff. Everyone spoke very highly of the home. One person told us I'm very happy with my room, they look after me they are all lovely people.' Another person told us 'they ask me if I'm happy.'

During our inspection on 22 October 2013 we found the provider to be non compliant with regard to regulation 15 (1) (a) as the layout of the home was not a suitable environment for all the people who lived there, and it also made it difficult for staff to provide the care and support people needed in a safe and effective way. The provider sent us an action plan stating how they would become compliant by 1 March 2013. When we visited on 31 May 2013 we found that these alterations had taken place and further improvements were underway.

People were provided with a clean and tidy home with well maintained grounds. The provider had worked hard to resolve difficulties posed by the physical environment in a listed building. Staff told us that it was a lot easier to care for people after the changes had taken place.

22 October 2012

During a routine inspection

We spoke with eight people who lived in the home. They told us they were very happy with the care and support staff provided. Everyone spoke highly of the home. People said staff were very patient and kind and they listened to them. One person said 'I have lived here for years. I'm very happy and well cared for. You would have to go a long way to better it.'

People told us they liked the food served in the home and they knew what meal they were having. Themed nights, such as when Chinese food was offered, had also been introduced. People told us they liked this idea. We saw that some people required help to eat their meals. They were well supported by staff.

People we spoke with said they thought the home was a safe place for them to live. One person said 'Oh yes I do feel safe. I had falls at home, so I feel safer living here'. People said they would raise any concerns if they had any and share these with staff.

People who lived in the home said staff were available when they needed them and they understood the care and support they needed. One person said 'The staff are marvellous and there is always staff around to help you'.

People were provided with a clean and tidy home which was well maintained. The layout of the home and the size of some of the rooms meant that the home was not a suitable environment for all of the people who live here. It also made it difficult for staff to always provide the care and support people needed in a safe and effective way.

4 May 2011

During a routine inspection

People said they felt they lived in a homely environment. They liked their bedrooms and said they had everything they needed. People told us they felt happy with the care they received. People told us that they felt the home suited their needs and they felt safe living there. One person said 'it is good to feel safe and to not have to worry about anything'. Most people spoken with felt staff members were 'wonderful'. One person said 'you always get one staff that is not so good'. People told us that they felt their needs were met by enough staff although some said that they thought staff had a lot to do. Some said that although staff took their time delivering their care they had little time to sit and chat with them. People said that when they used their call bells for assistance staff usually attended fairly quickly.

Some people said they are involved in reviews of their care and attend house meetings where they can contribute to how the home is run. Some people told us they consent to their care and treatment when they understand it. They said that staff members explain treatment to them and some thought they had signed to consent to treatment in the past. People told us that the home supports them to attend appointments outside of the home, such as hospital, opticians, dentists and so on. They said transport can be arranged for them if required. People felt the home takes into account their beliefs, wishes and dislikes.

People told us that on the whole the food they received was good. Some said there was plenty of it and it was good quality. People said a choice of two meals were always available, one usually being a vegetarian option. People said if they did not like either option they were sure something else would be made for them. They said they do not know in advance what they are having until the menus are put in the dining room. This does not happen until the morning. A number of people said that what is written on the menu each day does not often reflect what they have. Some people said this can be disappointing when they find out what they were hoping for is not available. Another person said they don't like some meats that are served so they usually opt for the vegetarian options. People told us that they attend meetings where menus choices and preferences are discussed. They said they had never seen the chef present at these meetings but said occasionally changes had been made to menus following their suggestions. People told us they received plenty of drinks through the day and have drinks available at night.

Some people told us they knew about the home's complaint's procedure through having their own copy. However, they said they have had no cause to complain about their care. Some said they talk to staff if they have concerns about anything and it gets sorted out quickly. Some people told us they attend regular 'resident's meetings'. People said they felt listened to and were given the opportunity to raise any concerns or issues about the home.