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  • Homecare service

Archived: Old Vicarage Close

Vicarage Road, Pelsall, Walsall, West Midlands, WS3 4AZ (01922) 693542

Provided and run by:
GreenSquareAccord Limited

All Inspections

3 April 2013

During a routine inspection

We visited the service on 3 April 2013. We carried out an unannounced inspection which meant that the provider did not know that we were coming.

During our visit we used different methods to help us understand the experiences of people using the service. We spoke with people who lived in the flats at Old Vicarage Close, relatives, staff members, and the manager. We also spent time observing the care provided. One person who lived there said, 'I get really good care and they look after me very well'.

We saw staff knocking on people's doors before entering. We were told that some people liked to go out each day and we saw they were supported to do this. This meant that people were respected and listened to.

People were consulted about their care, and where able, gave consent to the treatment and support they received. One relative told us, 'Mum receives care here and it's very good'.

We found that care plans and risk assessments were kept under review. This meant that people received the care they needed.

Systems were in place to protect people from abuse. Staff told us they understood the different types of abuse and what to look for. They were also able to explain how to report any suspicions of abuse.

We found that systems were in place to make sure that staff were properly trained and supervised.

We saw that the service had appropriate systems for monitoring the quality and safety of the care and support it provided and its outcomes.

28 September 2012

During a routine inspection

We spoke with five people living at the Old Vicarage Court and two relatives. People told us that they were happy with the care that they received. They told us that staff consulted them about the care they needed and provided care in a way that met their needs and capabilities.

People told us "staff are kind and very caring". They told us that staff were respectful and provided assistance when they needed it. People told us that they had an agreed number of visits but if they wanted to stay in bed, or stay up later than planned, care staff would come back later to assist them.

We found that support plans and risk assessments were kept under review. This meant that people received the care they needed.

We saw that the management and administration of people's medicines was undertaken safely which meant that people received their medicines as prescribed.

We saw that safeguarding systems in relation to the way that the service made referrals to the local authority had been improved, and that the system used for holding people's personal monies had also been reviewed, and improved to ensure that it was safely and securely held. This meant that people living at the service were appropriately protected, and people's money and property were safe.

We saw that the service had a quality assurance system in place ensuring that people received safe and appropriate care that met their needs.

5 October 2011

During an inspection looking at part of the service

We spoke to three people who live at the Old Vicarage Court and two relatives. People told us that they were happy with the care that they received. They told us that staff consulted them about the care they needed and provided care in a way that met their needs and capabilities. People told us "staff are kind and very caring". They told us that staff were respectful and provided assistance when they needed it.

People told us that they had an agreed number of visits but if they wanted to stay in bed, or stay up later than planned, care staff would come back later to assist them. People told us that they mostly have their main meal in the communal dining room but staff would also provide a meal or a sandwich in their flat if they wished.

The management and administration of people's medicines is undertaken safely which ensures that people receive their medicines as prescribed.

3 August 2011

During an inspection in response to concerns

The review was undertaken following highlighted concerns around the safety of arrangements for people's medicines.

People told us that they were happy with the service looking after their medicines and when their medicines were being administered. Two people we spoke to were not aware of the problems with the administration of their medicines.

Medicine management is unsafe and systems to identify problems are not sufficiently robust.