Archived: OSJCT Mayott House

Ock Street, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 5DH (01235) 521959

Provided and run by:
The Orders Of St. John Care Trust

All Inspections

30 January 2013

During a routine inspection

We found people were involved in decisions about their care and daily life. People were also involved in planning their alternative care arrangements due to the home closing. One person told us 'they kept me in the picture. I want to stay in Abingdon and it looks like that will happen'.

We saw appropriate arrangements were in place where people lacked capacity to consent to their care. One relative told us 'I have Power of Attorney for my mother. The staff know what this means and always involve me in decisions''.

People's care was planned and delivered in a safe, person centered way taking into account their wishes. People told us ''I get what is in my care plan, no doubt about it' and ''they always do it my way''.

We found the home was working effectively with others to ensure appropriate care was in place for people when the home closed. We saw people's care files went with them to their new home.

There was sufficient staff to meet people's needs. People told us ''they always get here quickly when we call' and 'there is always staff about when I need them'.

People told us they had no complaints about the quality of care and they knew how to make a complaint. People who raised concerns were responded to appropriately. One person told us 'I have never needed to complain about anything. If I had a problem I would speak to the manager'. A relative told us ''I spoke to the manager. She apologised, she spoke to staff and it has never happened again'.

22 December 2011

During an inspection in response to concerns

The people we spoke with who lived in OSJCT Mayott House and their visitors were happy with the service provided to them. People felt their health and social care needs were met by the staff. They told us about lots of activities and outings provided by the home and said that the staff were very good and listened to them. People had been asked their opinion of the care provided in the home by means of a written survey.