• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: OSJCT Anzac House

Moonrakers, London Road, Devizes, Wiltshire, SN10 2DY (01380) 722623

Provided and run by:
The Orders Of St. John Care Trust

All Inspections

16 April 2013

During an inspection in response to concerns

We used a number of different methods to help us understand the experiences of people using the service, because the people using the service had symptoms of dementia.

We looked around the premises to see if people lived in a clean and hygienic environment. We saw areas of the home were clean.

We spoke to three relatives who were visiting on the day of our inspection. They all made positive comments about the staff. One relative told us they were invited to review meetings and were kept informed of important events such as accidents. Each person told us they knew how to complain and would approach the manager or staff with their concerns, and were confident they would be listened to and taken seriously.

Relatives also told us they made sure they came to the home to assist at meal times. They told us this was because they were concerned there would not be enough staff to assist their relative to eat and drink if they were not available to help. During our inspection we saw that people were mostly given the support they needed. We looked into the concerns that had been raised about staffing. We were advised by the provider, and we observed during our visit, that a team approach was taken to staff deployment in the home with all care home staff working flexibly to support people. Staff we spoke with told us that although there was enough time to meet people's care needs, they would have liked more time to spend with each person individually.

8 August 2012

During a routine inspection

We spoke with eight people and two of their relatives. We reviewed three of these people's records. We observed how staff provided care, and toured the home. We met with nine members of staff and the home manager. We reviewed a range of records, including staff training records and the home's quality audits.

We observed care workers made sure they asked people for their consent before providing care. Staff were always available to support people in all of the sitting areas of the home. Frail people looked comfortable and were presented well, including hair which looked nicely brushed. One person said 'It's quite nice here isn't it?'

People commented favourably about the food. One person told us 'the food is good and there's plenty of it' and another said 'you can have what you want'. We observed mealtimes were relaxed and people were supported when needed.

Staff showed a detailed knowledge of people's needs and how to support them. This included the chef who knew what different people liked to eat. Staff understood how to safeguard people. A care worker told us how they used a range of methods, including distraction, to calm people and de-escalate any aggressive behaviours between people. A domestic worker told us they were 'very confident' management would take action if they reported any matter about the safety of people.

Staff told us they were supported in their roles. One member of staff told us 'I've been on lots of courses' and another said 'they up-date us constantly'.

The home had systems to review the quality of the service they provided. Where issues were identified, an action plan was put in place. The home was clean throughout and the manager was taking action to ensure improved practice in infection control. A relative told us 'the manager says my door is always open' and they had found this to be the case.

12 January 2012

During a routine inspection

People told us they liked living at Anzac House. One person said I'm so happy here'. Visitors also told us how much they appreciated the care given to their relative. One person said 'I like the whole ethos of the place', another told us how much they appreciated the way staff were always patient and supportive to people living in the home. Relatives said staff were approachable, one said 'you can talk to any of them' about the staff. We observed staff helping people who were confused in a calm and kindly manner.

Although people were positive about the care provided, we observed the home were not supporting some frail people in the way they needed. This particularly related to people who spent much of their time in bed and were unable to move or give themselves fluids without assistance. We observed the home was not ensuring all people were fully protected from risk relating to falls.