• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: OSJCT Chandos House

Gorse Road, Grantham, Lincolnshire, NG31 9LH (01476) 562393

Provided and run by:
The Orders Of St. John Care Trust

All Inspections

7 August 2013

During a routine inspection

During our visit we spoke with three people, three staff and a visiting professional. We observed the care people received and looked at records.

Overall we observed people were supported by skilled and experienced staff who understood their roles and responsibilities.

We observed care and saw staff were responsive to people and interacted with them positively.

We looked at how people's nutritional needs were met and found people received effective nutritional support, to meet their assessed needs. People told us the food was good and we saw people were able to choose their meals.

We spoke with a visiting professional. They told us the home was well run and staff were very good.

We observed staff supporting people and saw they were caring and responsive to people's needs.

When we looked at the records we found they accurately reflected the care people were being given or required.

We found the service was well led and staff received appropriate training to support them to effectively provide care to people.

People told us they were happy at the home and felt well cared for.

11 April 2012

During a routine inspection

We used a number of different methods to help us understand the experiences of people using the service. We spoke to people and the relatives of two people who used the service and friends of three other people. We watched staff providing support and looked at records. These included care plans, minutes of meetings and surveys undertaken by the trust.

The people we spoke with told us they were happy with the care that was delivered. They said they felt safe living in the home. We saw staff offer people choices and encourage them to be independent. One person said, 'They treat me ok, I have no concerns.' People told us they had plenty to do around the home.

We saw where activities had been scheduled and had taken place. There were lots of pictures where people had joined in with activities like bingo, music and exercise.

A person who was visiting their friend said that they were happy with the care provided and their friend was well looked after.