30 January 2014
During a routine inspection
We spoke with six members of staff and the manager. Staff told us that it was a good place to work and that they felt people received good support. One said, 'It's a really fun job'. Another told us, 'It's rewarding'.
While we did not meet any relatives on the day of our visit, comments from relatives gathered as part of the home's satisfaction survey were overwhelmingly positive. These included, 'The general care of clients is outstanding' and, 'X has come alive and seems totally happy since they transferred to Hillcrest'.
We also gathered evidence of people's experiences of the service by observing how people were supported by staff and by looking at records. We found that people's care needs were being managed safely by the service and that staff had a good understanding of their roles and responsibilities.
We found that the support people received was individualised to their needs. People's rights with regard to consent were being promoted by the service and staff understood how people's capacity should be considered. People were supported to eat a varied diet which took account of their preferences. People told us that they could approach the staff and manager if they were unhappy or had ideas to discuss.