The inspection was unannounced and took place on 5 September 2017.18 Wolverton Gardens is a residential home that provides support to up to five people with learning disabilities. On the day of the inspection there were 5 people living at the service. The people who live at the service have a range of complex needs and are supported with a full range of daily tasks, including personal care, support with eating and drinking and activities. We were informed during our inspection that the goal of the service is to ensure people maintain their independence as much as possible and live full and active lives at the home and within their community. We saw some examples of this during our inspection.
During our inspection we met the registered manager. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are 'registered persons'. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
During our last inspection on 23 June 2016 we found shortfalls that affected the support provided to people. During this inspection we found that the registered manager had made improvements to the service. Improvements had been made with regards to staff knowledge, dignity and respect, activities and the management of the service.
During the last inspection on 23 June 2016 we highlighted that the registered manager had not always notified CQC of events at the service. During this inspection we found the registered manager understood their responsibilities in terms of notifying CQC of significant events at the service. This meant that CQC could now monitor that people were safe at the service.
During the last inspection on 23 June 2016 audits were not robust at the service. We found at this inspection the provider audited the care and support delivered and sought feedback from people and relatives regarding the support received. These audits were robust and highlighted actions had been completed. All feedback from audits and questionnaires was positive.
During the last inspection on 23 June 2016 we highlighted concerns with staff knowledge of how to support people when they became agitated. During this inspection we saw that improvements had been made. Staff had received the training and support they needed to meet people's needs effectively. Due to this, there had been a reduction in incidents where people become agitated. Staff felt supported by the management team.
During the last inspection on 23 June 2016 people were not always supported with dignity and respect. During this inspection people were supported by staff who were kind and respected people’s privacy, dignity and independence. Care staff were thoughtful and recognised and respected people's wishes and preferences.
During the last inspection on 23 June 2016 we recommended that the registered manager review the activities offered to people. During this inspection we observed that improvements had been made. People received person centred care and people were supported with activities which were meaningful to them and were in line with their interests and preferences.
People were safe at 18 Wolverton Gardens. Risks of harm to people were identified at the initial assessment of care and staff understood what actions they needed to take to minimise risks. Staff understood people's needs and abilities.
People were supported by staff who understood the signs of abuse and their responsibilities to keep people safe. People were supported by sufficient staff to meet their needs. Recruitment practices were followed that helped ensure only suitable staff were employed at the service.
People were supported by regular members of staff who supported people in a timely manner. Staff were confident and had the knowledge to administer medicines safely. They knew how to support people to take their medicines safely and to keep accurate records.
The registered manager understood their responsibility to comply with the requirements of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS). Staff had a good understanding of MCA and DoLS. When people lacked capacity the best interest process was followed.
People were supported to eat meals of their choice and staff understood the importance of people having sufficient nutrition and hydration. Staff referred people to healthcare professionals for advice and support when their health needs changed.
People knew how to complain and were confident any complaints would be listened to and action taken to resolve them.
Staff supported people in line with the organisational values as support was centred around increasing people’s independence.