19 July 2013
During an inspection looking at part of the service
A more effective system was now in place to check and assure the quality of the service that people received.
A more effective system was now in place to check and assure the quality of the service that people received.
Risks to personal safety were suitably managed. But the service could not demonstrate that people were always given their medicines safely, as the administration of medicines was not accurately recorded.
There was an effective complaints system and people's views were sought regularly to make sure they were satisfied with the service. However other ways to check and assure the quality of the service had not been established.
People told us they received a flexible and reliable service that met their care and support needs. They spoke positively about the management and staff and said they had regular care workers. Their comments included, 'There is a good rapport between us'; 'They seem very caring, are always polite and do their best'; and, 'I'm more than happy, they are prepared to really look after my mother properly'.
Care workers told us they were well supported and trained and that management were approachable and always available for advice.