24 September 2013
During a routine inspection
They said they had been involved in the production of their care plans and the care staff provided their support in accordance with the instruction within the plan.
People told us they were very satisfied with the quality of the care they received from all the staff employed at the agency. One person told us, 'The service we get is excellent. It's taken a lot of pressure off us.'
People told us that, in their opinion, the staff employed at the agency were of good character and were competent in performing their duties. One person told us, 'All the staff are alright. They are a good bunch of people and very respectful.' Another person told us, 'We are very happy with all the staff supplied by the agency.'
People told us that they felt confident in discussing any areas of concern with the manager and felt confident that any complaints would be addressed to their satisfaction. Comments included, 'I feel the manager would always listen to us, I have no concerns at all and I am very happy with the agency.'
We found that the registered manager had initiated effective auditing procedures to ensure the quality of service provision was continually monitored.