23, 28 January 2013
During an inspection looking at part of the service
People told us they were involved in reviewing their care plans and their care records had been updated in recent weeks. One person told us, 'Yes my care plan has been reviewed recently and they've made a good job of it. Very detailed about how I like things done.' Improvements to the management of risk to people had not yet been completed.
People told us they were generally satisfied with the care support they received. People told us there had been improvements with communications from the office but some people said these improvements had not been consistent and they were not always informed if there were to be any changes to their rota such as a change of care worker or change of time.
We found recruitment procedures at the service had improved. People told us they were satisfied with their care workers. One person said, 'The care staff are all very good and the new ones are just as lovely.'
We found some improvements in the way the quality of the service provided was monitored. We found evidence that people who used the service, their representatives and staff had more opportunities to comment on the quality of the service.