18 October 2022
During an inspection looking at part of the service
This unannounced focused inspection was triggered by the receipt of information which gave us concerns about the safety and quality of services on two wards at the hospital. CQC received this information of concern between July and September 2022. Our last inspection of this service was in June 2022.
The concerns received included the following:
- safe staffing levels and how incidents were safely managed
- physical healthcare and care of the deteriorating patient
- one incident of poor medicine management
- use of restrictive practices.
Our rating of this location stayed the same. We rated it as requires improvement because:
We found:
- On Heygate ward, the night shift lacked leadership to support staff to make decisions on how to minimise restrictive practice and maintain effective relational security.
- On Heygate ward, there was a delay in prescribing medication to one patient. Referrals to the physical healthcare team for out of hours admission were not always robust.
- On Heygate ward, night staff implemented a blanket restriction without clear rationale.
- Despite remedial action taken by the provider there was a strong smell of drains from the toilets in the therapy corridor of Malcom Arnold House, leading to Heygate ward.
- We found 4 incidents of staff sleeping on duty on Fairbairn ward.
- Both wards showed that while nursing shifts had not started with the planned number of staff, managers filled gaps with known bank staff to bring staffing levels up to safe numbers. Staff told us that in the previous few months staffing levels had improved. The provider had improved pay and conditions for staff and had measures in place to address both recruitment and retention of staff. We found the staffing issue had improved at our last inspection of these services in June 2022, and there was evidence of slow but continued improvement since our last inspection.
- All staff we spoke with knew how to report incidents and record them in the electronic system. We reviewed incident records against safeguarding referrals and daily care notes which confirmed this judgement. Managers shared lessons learned from incidents within teams to prevent future occurrence of the same incident.
- Compliance with safeguarding training was 100% on Fairbairn ward and 80% on Heygate ward. All staff we spoke with understood what constituted a safeguarding concern.
- Staffing levels meant enhanced observations had been carried out safely.
- Staff managed the routine physical healthcare of patients well and managed physical healthcare incidents well.