Background to this inspection
17 March 2021
We carried out this inspection under Section 60 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 as part of our regulatory functions. This inspection was planned to check whether the provider is meeting the legal requirements and regulations associated with the Health and Social Care Act 2008.
As part of CQC’s response to the coronavirus pandemic we are looking at the preparedness of care homes in relation to infection prevention and control. This was a targeted inspection looking at the infection control and prevention measures the provider has in place.
This inspection took place on 3 March 2021 and was announced.
17 March 2021
Stoneswood Residential Home provides accommodation and care for up to 41 people in a semi rural location on the outskirts of Oldham. The home is a converted building with the addition of a modern, purpose built extension. It is set in large grounds together with the provision of retirement accommodation. Personal Care (that is care provided in a person's own home) is available to a small number of people living in 'assisted' flats which provide independent accommodation, but are attached to the main building. At the time of our inspection there were 40 people living at the home.
The service is also registered to provide personal care to a small number of people living in their own self-contained flats. At the time of this visit, the service provider told us no one living in those flats was receiving any personal care provided by the service.
A registered manager was in post. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are 'registered persons'. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run. The manager was first registered in October 2010 with the CQC but had managed the service prior to CQC registration.
At the last inspection of June 2016 the service were found to be in breach of the Health and Social Care Act (HSCA) 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulation 2014. Regulation 2014 The need for consent. We found that the home had not submitted applications for Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards for all the people who lived in Stoneswood who did not have the capacity to consent or object to their care and treatment. The service sent us an action plan to show how they were going to meet the regulation and we found that the regulation was met at this inspection.
The service used the local authority safeguarding procedures to report any safeguarding concerns. Staff had been trained in safeguarding topics and were aware of their responsibilities to report any possible abuse.
Recruitment procedures were robust and ensured new staff were safe to work with vulnerable adults.
The administration of medicines was safe. Staff had been trained in the administration of medicines and had up to date policies and procedures to follow.
The home was clean, tidy and homely in character. The environment was maintained at a good level.
Electrical and gas appliances were serviced regularly. Each person had a personal emergency evacuation plan (PEEP) and there was a business contingency plan for any unforeseen emergencies.
There were systems in place to prevent the spread of infection. Staff were trained in infection control and provided with the necessary equipment and hand washing facilities. This helped to protect the health and welfare of staff and people who used the service.
People were given choices in the food they ate and told us it was good. People were encouraged to eat and drink to ensure they were hydrated and well fed.
Staff had been trained in the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) and the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS). The registered manager was aware of their responsibilities of how to apply for any best interest decisions under the Mental Capacity Act (2005) and followed the correct procedures using independent professionals.
New staff received induction training to provide them with the skills to care for people. Staff files and the training matrix showed staff had undertaken sufficient training to meet the needs of people and they were supervised regularly to check their competence. Supervision sessions also gave staff the opportunity to discuss their work and ask for any training they felt necessary.
Further training was given to some staff to become ‘champions’ in topics like dementia care which enabled them to support staff to provide a better understanding of people with this illness.
We observed there were good interactions between staff and people who used the service. People told us staff were kind and caring.
We saw from our observations of staff and records that people who used the service were given choices in many aspects of their lives and helped to remain independent where possible.
We saw that the quality of care plans gave staff sufficient information to look after people accommodated at the care home and they were regularly reviewed.
People were treated with respect and dignity.
We saw the service had embraced technology in activities, care planning and family contact.
People were treated in accordance to their age, gender, sexuality and religion.
Plans of care were individual, person centred and reviewed regularly to help meet their health and social care needs.
We saw that people could attend activities of their choice and families and friends were able to visit when they wanted. We saw there were plans to help people who used the service meet people from other organisations.
Audits, surveys and key worker sessions helped the service maintain and improve their standards of support.
People thought the registered manager was approachable and supportive.