Archived: Mayday Homecare Domiciliary Agency

First Floor, 50 Park Road, Chorley, Lancashire, PR7 1QU (01257) 268899

Provided and run by:
Choices Homecare (Lancs) Limited

Important: This service is now registered at a different address - see new profile

All Inspections

5 October 2012

During an inspection looking at part of the service

At our last inspection visit in May 2012 we had some concerns about non compliance with the regulations. Following the inspection the provider sent us an action plan advising they had addressed our concerns. We re-visited the agency and spoke with the manager and looked at various records.

We looked at training records and found all staff had attended the training they needed to help them to recognise and respond appropriately to abuse or neglect. This would help to protect people in their care.

We looked at two staff records. We found safe and fair recruitment process had been followed which would help to make sure people were protected from unsuitable staff. We also found staff were appropriately supervised and trained. This would provide staff with the skills, knowledge and support to care for people properly.

Effective systems were in place to regularly assess and monitor the quality of service that people received.

3 May 2012

During a routine inspection

People using the service understood the care and support choices available to them. They told us they were treated with respect, consulted about the care and support they needed and were involved in discussions about their care. Comments included, "They respect my decisions and they do things the way I want them to do", "They work around my routines" and "They listen to me".

All the people that we spoke with told us they were 'satisfied' or 'happy' with the service they received. One person said, "I'm happy with the service; they take time to chat to me and my husband". However we found areas of non compliance and were concerned that the agency's monitoring and auditing processes were not effective at identifying shortfalls.

People told us the care staff were reliable and punctual. One person said, "They mostly arrive on time and do everything I need" and another said "They have never let me down". People who used the service said they were provided with the same staff.

People who we spoke with told us they were treated properly and would be able to raise any concerns with staff or management. Comments included, "All the staff are kind and helpful", "They are very good to me" and "My husband is treated very well".

We were concerned staff had not received appropriate levels of training and supervision and that staff had not been recruited in accordance with safe procedures.