3 April 2018
During a routine inspection
At our last inspection in November 2015, we rated the home as good in all five key questions. At this inspection in April 2018 we found the evidence continued to support the rating of good and there was no evidence or information from our inspection and ongoing monitoring that demonstrated serious risks or concerns. We found support within the home has continued to improve and there was evidence of very good practice, particularly in supporting people’s independence and managing their health care needs.
This inspection report is written in a shorter format because our overall rating of the service has not changed since our last inspection.
Why the service is rated good.
People continued to receive safe care that met their needs and expectations. The home had a strong emphasis on promoting people’s independence and involvement in decision making. People told us they enjoyed living at Pippin House and staff told us they were proud to work there.
During the inspection, people were busy going about their day to day activities and were keen to show us around the home and tell us what they did. This included gardening, both at the home and in the community, learning new skills such as hairdressing, as well as attending vocational courses and undertaking voluntary work.
People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible; the policies and systems in the service supported this practice. Improvements since the previous inspection included supporting people to manage their medicines and finances. Information was presented in pictorial format to support people’s decision making, with each person involved in developing their own support plans and risk assessments.
Relatives told us the home provided an excellent level of support. Their comments included, “Nothing is ever too much trouble for the staff”, “I can't praise the staff enough” and “With the love and dedication from the excellent staff team he has grown in all areas of his life. It is such a relief to a family when their loved ones are in such a special place as Pippin House. To watch the way [name] has grown and progressed over the last few years is nothing short of amazing.”
Importance was placed upon supporting people with their healthcare needs and understanding the need for regular healthcare checks. The staff ensured there were no barriers to people receiving the healthcare support they required.
Staff were safely recruited and continued to receive the training and support they required for their role. Staff told us they felt listened to and they felt their team work had improved since the appointment of the new registered manager. Professional guidance was sought when necessary, for example with supporting people whose behaviour might place themselves and others at risk of harm. Advice was followed and support given in line with good practice. The communication between the home and professionals was good.
People, relatives, staff and healthcare professionals told us the home was well managed and gave us very good feedback about the registered manager’s attitude towards involving them in the running of the home.
There were systems in place to monitor and check that the quality of the service provided met with the aims of the organisation. Senior managers from The Royal National Institute for Deaf People regularly attended the home to meet with the registered manager, staff and people to ensure they had good oversight of the practices and culture within the home.
Further information is in the detailed findings below.