• Care Home
  • Care home

Coumes Brook Home Limited

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

1 Cockshutts Lane, Oughtibridge, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S35 0FX (0114) 286 2211

Provided and run by:
Coumes Brook Home Limited

Report from 5 November 2024 assessment


  • Overall


  • Safe


  • Effective


  • Caring


  • Responsive


  • Well-led


Our view of the service

Coumes Brook Care Home is a 24 bedded service providing nursing or personal care to older people and people living with dementia. At the time of our assessment, there were 22 people using the service. The assessment was completed between 13 November 2024 and 26 November 2024.There was a clear safeguarding policy with details of which agencies to contact in the event of any concern. People had risk management plans, which were kept under review and updated when needed. The service learnt from incidents and made improvements where needed. There were sufficient, well-trained staff to meet people's needs. People were supported to safely take the medicines they had been prescribed. Staff worked with other services to ensure people's needs were met effectively. The service followed the requirements of the Mental Capacity Act. Staff demonstrated a good understanding of people's individual needs. People were involved in decisions about their care. There were regular meetings for people and relatives to provide feedback and make decisions about the running of the home. Staff told us they felt well supported by the management team. Quality assurance assessments were used to review the performance of the service. Action was taken based on the findings of the various audits.

People's experience of this service

People told us they felt safe and were happy living at Coumes Brook. One person told us, “The service is very good. It’s probably as good as it gets. I like it because sensible and nice people who run it.” Another person said, “The staff are really wonderful and very helpful.” There was a strong and visible person centred culture. Staff were highly motivated to offer care that was kind and promoted people’s dignity. Relationships between staff and people who used services, and their carers, were supportive and caring. Staff knew people well, and the social and emotional needs of people informed people's care and support. Treating people with dignity and respect, and person-centred care, was at the very heart of the service. People told us they were treated with dignity by staff, and they were supported to set their own goals and outcomes.