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  • Care home

Bradbury Wing - Care Home with Nursing Physical Disabilities

Overall: Outstanding read more about inspection ratings

The Minories, Rosebery Crescent, Jesmond, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear, NE2 1EU (0191) 281 7996

Provided and run by:
Leonard Cheshire Disability

Latest inspection summary

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Background to this inspection

Updated 12 March 2022

We carried out this inspection under Section 60 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 as part of our regulatory functions. This inspection was planned to check whether the provider is meeting the legal requirements and regulations associated with the Health and Social Care Act 2008.

As part of CQC’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic we are looking at how services manage infection control and visiting arrangements. This was a targeted inspection looking at the infection prevention and control measures the provider had in place. We also asked the provider about any staffing pressures the service was experiencing and whether this was having an impact on the service.

This inspection took place on 22 February 2022 and was announced the day before.

Overall inspection


Updated 12 March 2022

We inspected Bradbury Wing - Care Home with Nursing Physical Disabilities on 5 July 2017. The inspection was an unannounced, which meant the staff and provider did not know we would be visiting. When we last inspected the service in July 2014 we found the provider was meeting the legal requirements in the areas that we looked at and rated the service as Good. At this inspection in July 2017 we rated the service as Outstanding.

Bradbury Wing - Care Home with Nursing Physical Disabilities provides nursing care, support and accommodation for up to 20 adults with a physical disability and specialises in providing care for people with a wide range of conditions. At the time of the inspection there were 20 people who used the service.

The home had a registered manager in place. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons'. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.

The registered manager displayed exceptional leadership qualities, drive and enthusiasm. They empowered staff to provide care that was tailored to individual’s needs. Without exception people, their relatives and professionals told us they experienced and we observed compassionate care from staff. This ensured the service was run in the best interest of people who used the service. A comprehensive programme of audits and checks was in place to monitor all aspects of the service, including care delivery, accidents and incidents, health and safety, infection prevention and control and medicines. Audits resulted in clear action plans to address shortfalls or areas of improvement.

There was a strong presence of health care professional involvement at the service, which ensured people experienced a high level of care and support that promoted their health and wellbeing. People and relatives were extremely complimentary about the care and support received. It was clear from speaking with the registered manager, staff, relatives and hearing from professionals that the provider was committed to achieving excellence in the provision of care. Links to health and social care services were exceptional. The care that people had received at the service had prevented hospital admissions. People were supported and encouraged to have regular health checks and were accompanied by staff to hospital appointments.

Staff were well trained and had the skills and knowledge to provide support to the people they cared for. Staff displayed enthusiasm and pride in their work. We saw the manager provided comprehensive levels of supervision and appraisal for staff. This resulted in a dedicated and motivated workforce. The management team recognised potential and invested in their staff. This empowered staff to support the people who used the service effectively.

Health professionals complimented the registered manager and staff on their understanding of the requirements of the Mental Capacity Act (2005) and the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards. This meant they were working within the law to support people who may lack capacity to make their own decisions. We were told how staff were proactive in discussing people’s best interests with relatives. Staff demonstrated a good understanding of how to support people with communication to help them make as many of their own decisions as possible. Staff knew about people’s care preferences as these were recorded in their care plans.

Assessments were undertaken to identify people’s health, care, and support needs. There was a strong emphasis on person centred care. People and their families were at the centre of decision making whilst working alongside professionals to get the best outcome possible. Care plans were developed with people who used the service and relatives to identify how they wanted to be supported. Staff knew people well, understood their needs and the way they communicated. Care was focused on people's wishes and preferences. The registered manager and staff supported people to maintain and regain their independence and achieve a good sense of self-worth and wellbeing. The impact this had on people was outstanding and had resulted in them being settled, content and helped them to lead as full and active lives as they wanted to.

People’s independence was actively encouraged. The registered manager and staff displayed clear resolve to make a positive difference to people's lives. Activities were invigorating, outings and events were well thought through, varied and in plentiful supply. Staff encouraged and supported people to access activities within the community.

There were robust systems and processes in place to protect people from the risk of harm. Staff were able to describe in detail different types of abuse and what their responsibilities were in protecting people. This ensured the welfare of vulnerable people was protected through the rigorous whistle blowing and safeguarding procedures.

Appropriate checks of the building and maintenance systems were undertaken to ensure health and safety. Risks to people's safety had been assessed by staff. Appropriate systems were in place for the management of medicines so that people received their medicines safely.

There were sufficient staff on duty to meet the needs of people who used the service. Staff were available to provide support with visits out in the community. We found that safe recruitment and selection procedures were in place and appropriate checks had been undertaken before staff started work.

We found a stimulating environment with a warm and welcoming atmosphere. People, staff and relatives had developed strong and mutually respectful relationships. Feedback we received about the service was high. We saw positive interactions between people and staff and staff treated people with dignity and respect, anticipating their needs.

We saw that people were provided with a choice of nourishing food and drinks, which helped to ensure that their nutritional needs were met. Nutritional screening had been used to identify specific risks to people’s nutrition.

The provider had a system in place for responding to people’s concerns and complaints. People and relatives were aware of how to make a complaint. There had not been any complaints made since the last inspection of the service.