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  • Care home

Beacon House

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

12 Linden Road, Bedford, Bedfordshire, MK40 2DA (01234) 328166

Provided and run by:
Lansglade Homes Limited

Report from 2 April 2024 assessment


  • Overall


  • Safe


  • Effective


  • Caring


  • Responsive


  • Well-led


Our view of the service

Beacon House is registered to provide residential and nursing care for up to 40 older people with physical disabilities and those who may be living with dementia. Accommodation is provided over the ground and 2 upper floors with various lounges, a dining room, and an accessible garden. At the time of this assessment site visit 22 people were using the service. We found that improvements had been made to the assessment of risks to people. Procedures in relation to wound care had improved and now followed best practice guidance. Improvements had been made to ensure people always received their PRN (as needed) medicines safely and consistently. Quality checks and audits had been strengthened to ensure areas for improvement were identified and acted upon swiftly. Systems had been enhanced to ensure the service was always working within the principles of the Mental Capacity Act. We carried out our on-site assessment on 08 May 2024; off site assessment activity started on 03 May and ended on 24 May 2024.

People's experience of this service

Comments from people who used the service and relatives were consistent stating they were overall happy with the care, treatment and support the service provided and felt safe. People told us they found staff kind, caring, and supportive. One person said, “I cannot tell you how happy I am here.” People's dignity and human rights were promoted, and people were encouraged to make decisions about their day-to-day routines. A relative told us, “Staff here are amazing, they are really eager to help and accommodate every will and wish [family member] might have.” We saw that staff understood and responded to people's individual needs in a person-centred way. There were sufficient numbers of skilled and competent staff to ensure they could safely support people who used the service. People told us they received care and support from a consistent staff team that knew them well. One person commented, “I think there are enough staff. I don’t have to wait too long for anything.” Relatives and health professionals commented positively about the knowledge of staff and how concerns were acted upon swiftly.