7 January 2014
During a routine inspection
Visitors told us they were happy with the care and support provided. They said, 'My relative has settled down well and I find the staff very friendly".
We found that the home was clean and tidy with no unpleasant odours. Some refurbishment work was required to one of the bathrooms but this did not impact on the support provided to people who lived there.
Staff were pleasant, polite and we saw that people who used the service were treated with respect and dignity. One person told us, 'I feel very safe living here'.
We found that people's care and support needs had been assessed and kept under regular review to help ensure people received the care they needed. We saw that people had access to health and social care professionals.
We found that each care plan contained a nutritional assessment and weight record. This information helped identify people who may be at risk of poor nutrition. Where concerns had been identified, staff monitored their condition and sought help from medical professionals when necessary.
Medicines were managed well and safely. All staff who administered medicines had been appropriately trained.
Risk assessments were in place and reviewed each month with the care plans.