• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: Eskdale House

Swan Street, Longtown, Cumbria, CA6 5UZ (01228) 791366

Provided and run by:
Cumbria Care

All Inspections

30 October 2013

During a routine inspection

People told us they were happy and content living in Eskdale House and said:

'It is smashing here. The staff are very good and, more importantly, they are happy with each other' and 'The staff are superb'.

We saw that staff treated people with dignity and respect and care and support was provided in a warm and friendly manner.

We saw that people were able to join in meaningful and sociable activities if they wished. Staff were pleasant and polite and we saw that people who used the service and their visitors were treated with respect and dignity.

We found that people's care and support needs had been assessed and kept under regular review to help ensure people received the care they needed. We saw that people had access to health and social care professionals

Staff received training and appraisals to ensure they had the skills and knowledge to work safely and to promote their professional development. Staff were not appointed to work at this home until all the necessary legal checks had been completed.

We found there were systems in place for gathering, recording and evaluating information about the service that ensured people received safe, effective care and support.

1 December 2012

During a routine inspection

People told us they were very happy living in Eskdale House. One person said, 'I have only just moved in and I am really happy. It is lovely and warm and there is always someone to talk to'.

During the course of our visit we spoke either individually or collectively with the majority of people living at Eskdale House. People told us they were satisfied with the care and support they received and that staff were always kind, polite and respectful.

People spoke positively about how they were able to make decisions about their care, spend their time and enjoyed shared interests and social events with others. Staff spoke in a friendly way and there was a relaxed and homely atmosphere throughout the building.

We found good standards of care and support were delivered in a warm and caring manner and that people were relaxed in their surroundings. Records were up to date and reviewed regularly.

31 August 2011

During a routine inspection

People told us they liked living at Eskdale House and said the accommodation, staff and

meals provided in the home were 'lovely'

People said,

"I love living here and the staff are marvellousl"

"I like my room"

"The meals are very lovely and there is always plenty to eat."

"We get plenty to eat and a good choice"

"The staff are all very kind. They make sure I get to see the doctor if I don't feel well."

"The staff are lovely, you can have a laugh with them".

"I choose what I do".

"I don't have to join in activities if I don't want to"

We observed the carers supporting residents to move around the home in an appropriate
