13 November 2013
During a routine inspection
People we spoke to told us they enjoyed living in Elmhurst. They said, 'I really enjoy it here and the staff are fantastic', 'I can sit in my room all day if I wish and they bring me my meals' and 'We go for mystery trips in the bus'.
We saw that staff treated people with dignity and respect and care and support was provided in a warm and friendly manner.
We saw that people were able to join in meaningful and sociable activities if they wished. Staff were pleasant, polite and we saw that people who used the service were treated with respect and dignity.
Each person had an up to date plan of care that was reviewed each month. This ensured that the care delivered was appropriate to meet the needs of those who lived in the home.
We saw that all risks were identified and measures were put in place to ensure that Elmhurst was a safe place in which to live and work.